
CDEPI project (EDU2015-67975-C3-1-P) introduces itself as the integration and continuation of research by several groups in the last years. Coordinated by the research group Stellae of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (GI-1439 of USC) and two other research groups as partners from the Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). The project intends to contribute to the knowledge about digital competence on compulsory students, and the possible relation that their learning can have in social inclusion processes.


In this line, the general objective of the project would be to identify, analyze, comprehend and evaluate the digital competence that compulsory students possess and use in their daily life and their relationship with the process of social inclusion. To address this goal a research work with a mixed methodological proposal of quantitative and qualitative methods is contemplated. In this context the next working lines are established around a common object:

– Study of qualitative cases to collect data from different cultural contexts and educational levels (Primary and High school).

– Quantitative study in several phases: creation of a evaluation test to measure the digital competence in the students, data gathering of social-familiar and context variables and development and design of an computer application which offers support on the test and auto-evaluation.