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The Spin-off DIMElab arises from the knowledge generated in more than 20 years of work in Stellae (1997-2018), specializing in training and professional development, educational organization, inclusion educational, teaching materials and technology Educational.

DIMElab offers pedagogical advisory services to educational institutions and technology companies, and develops all kinds of educational resources, including the so-called serious games for education and training.


Likewise, DIMElab also stands out for the performance of tests, analysis or testing of didactic products, to try to ensure that the materials designed for education follow certain standards of pedagogical quality.

The idea of DIMElab arises after the work of Stellae with the Area of valorization, transfer and undertaking of the USC, which helped to transfer the research results of the group to the market, and to the social needs detected today, between including the following:

  • The educational and professional sector is immersed in a process of transformation where it is necessary to develop new educational means.
  • The growing demand for serious games for schools, institutions and businesses.
  • The necessary updating of the teachers in active methodologies surpassing or complementing the traditional.
  • The necessary training in digital competences of the society in general.
  • The lack of adequate pedagogical analysis prior to the commercialization of didactic materials.

The Spin-off, which is placed in the building Emprendia (Campus Vida in Santiago de Compostela), is today about ten people, among partners, management and staff with proven professional experience in the field of education and technology.


Photograph taken on January 25, 2018, date of formation before a notary of DIMElab