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Donatella Persico, Marcello Passarelli, Flavio Manganello, Adriana Gewerc Barujel & Ana Rodríguez Groba (the last two authors, members of Stellae) have just published the paper "The participatory dimension of teachers' self-regulated professional learning about learning design: beliefs versus behaviours" in the journal "Professional Development in Education" (indexed in SCOPUS).

The paper , that emerges from the research stays carried out in the exchanges between Genoa and Santiago de Compostela, shows the data of a survey. This research deepened the beliefs and behaviors of a sample of 238 serving professors in Italy and Spain, in relation to Learning Design.

The study is part of the theoretical framework of the 4c for self-regulated professional learning, which distinguishes between consumer behaviors, creation, connection and contribution.

The main conclusion is that the participatory culture of Learning Design is far from a reality, despite being strongly defended in literature.

You can access the article here: "  

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