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Last Thursday, November 12, was presented through the Laboratory of Education and New Technologies of the University of La Laguna (EDULLAB) the book "Escuel @ digit @ al: teaching materials on the web" by Grao editorial, of which it is part the Stellae group.

In it you can find the foundations, design and results of the national R&D project "The School of the Digital Society: analysis and proposals for the production and use of educational digital content" coordinated by the research group EDULLAB with universities such as Valencia, Palma of Gran Canaria, A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela.

libro Escuela digital

Among the speakers you can see in the following link are Manuel Area moreira as project director and moderator (University of La Laguna), Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez (member of Stellae on behalf of the University of Santiago de Compostela), José Peirats (University of Valencia), Andoni Zabala (president of the Graó publishing house) as well as three international guests such as Mariana Maggio (holder of the Chair of Educational Technology at the University of Buenos Aires), Tania Braga (professor at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil) and Manuel Bragado ( pedagogue and former director of Edicións Xerais de Galicia).