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Rosi Vicente Álvarez

Address:CEIP. Ramón Cabanillas, rúa de José Antonio Souto Paz, 5, 15702 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

Personal pages:

Professional Profile

Rosa María Vicente Álvarez collaborates as an external researcher in La escuela de la sociedad digital: análisis y propuestas para la producción y uso de los contenidos digitales educativos, coordinated by Dr, Area (University of La Laguna, Canarias) and with Stellae, coordinated by Dr. Gewerc (University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia). She has collaborated in the implementation and development of the project "MusicChild Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (2014-2016), designed by Dr. Pieridou Skoutella (University of Nicosia, Chipre). She completed her doctorate in Pedagogy by the University of Santiago de Compostela (2011). Her thesis title is "Os materiais didácticos e musicais en educación infantil. Un estudo descritivo e interpretativo da percepción docente en Galicia", a work wich is still servinf as a basis for her actual reseachs. She studied Teaching by the specialization of pre-school education in the University of Vigo, Ourense (2000) and, got a degree in pedadogy by the University of Santiago de Compostela (2006), She continued her career with the doctorate in this same university (2006-2008). Rosa finished her studies of History and Music Sciences by the University of La Rioja (2013).

She has participated in seminars about evaluation of teaching materials, congresses about the developing of music teaching materials for pre-school and primary students and international conferences like IARTEM (Santiago de Compostela, 2009); Kaunas, 2011; Lisboa, 2014; Berlín, 2015), ISME (Thessalonica, 2012), MERUC (Hague, 2013, Tallinn, 2015) and MusiChild Erasmus+ (Nicosia, 2016), as well as in Spain, done in the University of Santiago de Compostela (2009, 2015), University of A Coruña (2011) and the University of Vigo (2014, Ourense), as well as teacher training activities, organizated by Nova Escola galega (2010-2016), The Asociación de Gaiteiros Galegos (2006, 2009), CEIMUS (Madrid, 2013) o SIBE Sociedad de Etnomusicología (Cuencia, 2014).

Since 2002 he has been evaluating and developing music materials for pre-school and musical education. In 2005, she was awarded with an honorific mention granted by the Concello of Santiago de Compostela for a teaching activiy developed for pre-school title "Contos do Camiño", and in 2008 she publishes "A canción infantil do xogo tradicional galego como recurso na educación musical primaria" (Gersam editorial). Also, she collaborated with the Museo de las Peregrinacións (Santiago de Compostela, 2009) due to that work, which would climax in another one titled "Contiños do camino". Since 2003 she collaborate with Nova Escola Galega in activities related with the evaluation of teaching and scholar materials.

On the other hand, she studied piano (obtaining the professional degree in 2003 with Prof. Carlos Enrquie Pérez) and pipe organ (obtaining the professional degree in 2016 with Prof. Marison Mendive). In this context she attends to various academic contests in Porto, Salamanca and Ourense, and she plays the pipe organ in the Cathedral of Lugo, Santiago de Compostela and Tui (2012-2015). She also studied a post-graduate in "Música tradicional galega" by the University of Santiago de Compostela (2004) and starts in the field of ancient music with Prof. Brunno Forst (2005-2007).

She has been working as a teacher in pre-school and primary education in the public education in Galicia since 2002: as a music teacher in secondary educacion (2002-2003), musc teacher and primary teacher (2003-2006); pre-school teacher (2006-2016) and nowadays she is teaching in primary education.