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Denébola Álvarez Seoane

Office :P0A10

Extension:4866 (881 014 688)

ORCID ID  0000-0002-5377-4849

Address:Facultade de Ciencias da Educación UDC. Campus de Elviña. CP 15071 - A Coruña

Personal pages:

Professional Profile

Teacher in Physical Education by University of A Coruña (UDC), Degree in Pedagogy with the orientation of Teacher Training and School Manager and the orientation of Social and Labor Pedagogy by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Master’s degree in Training Process in the speciality of Innovation and Quality (by USC) and Doctor in Equity and Innovation in Education with international mention (by USC-UDC-UVIGO-UC-UNIOVI).

She get different scholarships and research contracts during her initial training supported by the MInistry of Education, Deputación de A Coruña (provincial council) and Xunta de Galicia (state government) and is currently a lecturer at the University of A Coruña. She has profesional experience in different educational contexts at the school and community level: primary schools, museums and municipal councils.

She Works in differents lines of research related to teaching materials and educational technology. For example, her doctoral tesis on “Print and digital learning materials desing with the support of the local administration. Prospectiv and descriptive study in the provincia of A Coruña (Spain)”, also she had participated in the research projects “Curriculum Design and Good Practices in Early Childhood Education: an international, multicultural and interdisciplinary visión” and “The school of digital society: análisis and proposals for the production and use of educational digital content”, and nowadays is involved in the Project “Digital teaching materials in Early Childhood Education. Analysys and proposals for use at school and at home”.