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The Commission of Linguistic Normalization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of which the member of the Stellae Group Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez is part, brings us today the XIV Conference "Educational resources in Galician", this time dedicated to educational resources, mostly digital, that have been developed because of the restrictions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the program we also have experiences that go hand in hand with another member of this group, Tania Caamaño Liñares, who will tell us about the experience of creating a resource bank in times of covid with university students.

The main objective of this day is to create a space for debate and reflection on educational resources in Galician, and more specifically:

To know the resources in Galician language that have been developed for education in a context of distance and isolation.
Define strategies and criteria for finding and selecting them.
To promote the creation of own educational resources and didactic materials adapted to the contextual and linguistic needs of Galicia.
To promote the diffusion of educational experiences focused on the use and elaboration of didactic resources in Galician language

These conferences are aimed mainly at students, PDI and PAS of Galician universities interested in learning about strategies that help improve the use and knowledge of teaching resources in Galician, as well as interested professionals.


Link to the Conference information page:

