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Daniela Ramos Gonçalves, Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Antonio Caride Gómez, Laurence Vohlgemuth, Rosa Marí Ytarte and Belén Caballo Villar


The thesis entitled "The articulation between schools and local cultural - artistic agents: a case study in Lisbon (Portugal)", by researcher Laurence Vohlgemuth and co-directed by Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez and Belén Caballo Villar was presented last February 3 2023. Under the Doctorate program in Equity and Innovation in Education, present at the University of Santiago de Compostela, he achieved the highest qualification, cum laude.


The central objective of this work is to understand how the practices of agents and organizations of artistic and cultural production and dissemination are articulated with those of basic education centers. That articulation takes place on two levels: one institutional and one individual. To try to answer the questions, this paper takes an essentially qualitative approach, opting for a case study. Epistemologically, it aims to describe complex situations, contextualized in their specificity and singularity, adopting for this a comprehensive look. The whole work is built following a movement of approach to the case under study: a specific situation of lasting collaboration between artistic and cultural organizations, a private school and a group of public schools located in the historic center of Lisbon.

Our congratulations to the author and her co-tutors who see their long work so well evaluated.


Good luck in this new stage, Laurence!