Programa Juego Limpio, practícalo (Practice Fairplay Program)

Name of the good practice

Programa Juego limpio, practícalo (Practice Fairplay Program)

Type of the good practice (program, project, activity, forum, events, etc.)

The program is designed for implementation in schools. It intends to be a didactic resource for teachers through P.E. contents to promote values such as respect, living together, teamwork, sportsmanship and personal achievement and transfer them to all aspects of life.

The program was developed in two phases:
– The first phase, focusing on the first cycle of Secondary Education, finished in the 2008-2009 school year, after visiting 90 schools in Castilla-La Mancha, with an overall participation of 48,000 students in the first and second year of Compulsory Secondary Education.
– In 2008-2009 school year, there was a new edition of the “Fair Play Campaign” program targeting Primary Education Students, with renewed objectives and contents adapted to the specific characteristics and interests of this education stage.

Name and place (country, city/town) of the institution that implements the good practice. Partners

Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes-Gobierno de Castilla La Mancha (SPAIN, Toledo).
(Education, Culture and Sports Department, Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha (SPAIN, Toledo).
– Castilla La Mancha Savings Bank, Social and Cultural Activities Department .
– Primary and Secondary Schools in the Autonomous Community of Castilla La Mancha .

Background and objectives of the good practice, target groups

The objective is foster values such as companionship and teamwork among youth through sport.

Target groups
Primary and secondary school students participate, as do their teachers, who are provided the opportunity to teach new behaviour and to improve on existing ones through sports and physical activity.

Main activities, results and gained experience

Among the activities that stand out are the so-called “Fair Play Meetings”, where schoolchildren themselves are play all the roles involved in a sporting event in order to have experiences that help to understand real game situations, but always in a playful manner.
Thus, students play the roles of athletes, judges, coaches and spectators, giving them the opportunity to empathize with all groups involved in a sporting activity and, ultimately, to apply values to their daily lives such as altruism, character and respect for the opponent. The presence of top-level athletes is also considered to promote the values of sportsmanship through their example and personal experiences.


1.- Players are your peers and friends
2.- Praise others’ efforts and fair play
3.- Share your achievements with others
4.- Winning is important, but it’s more important to know how to lose
5.- Respect your rivals. Follow the rules of the game
6.- In sports as in life, you must respect others in order to be respected.
7.- Participate and play with youngsters from the five continents
8.- Compete without hurting others and help when someone is injured
9.- Your teacher and coach make decisions for everyone’s benefit.
10.- Only healthy and balanced diet increases your performance in sports

In our opinion, the “Fair Play” campaign has had an important international impact, as demonstrated by the cooperation agreement signed with UNICEF for its promotion in Latin American countries. We would also like to point out that the program received the National Sports Award “Infanta de España Doña Elena” in 2006.

Period of realization


Contact details

Tel: +34 925 286 651; +34 925 247 400

Website:, which is no longer available, but received over two million visits. A screen capture from 2010 can be seen at:

Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes
Bulevar Río Alberche, s/n.
45071 Toledo (SPAIN)






